Wednesday, January 29, 2020

OUR TEST WAS OKAY..... i guess

In Western Civ we took a test on the fertile crescent, ancient Mesopotamia, and Sumer. It was actually pretty easy which is relaxing. I know I got one question wrong... #14. I really did not know the answer so I had to leave it blank. I was able to look it up later though and I got the answer! So, I guess I'll just have to do a little better next time with my studying and how heavily I do it. Otherwise I think I did pretty well, maybe a mid to high A. But definitely not 100%. You live and you learn :(. BYE!!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Western Civ... wow

Today in our Western Civ class we went over our 75 point quiz. I payed close attention to make sure I understood and sadly I didn't really. So, when I got home I studied and went over all my notes to catchup. I feel somewhat confident I'll do well on this quiz and at least get an eighty five percent or higher. Hopefully higher. We then watched some music parodies of songs for history and I have never felt more complete in my life. EVER. See you Wednesday!!! BYE

Sunday, January 26, 2020


I missed school Friday. so I am unable to write about it. Sorry Mr. Schick :(!

Second day of WESTERN CIV???!!!!!?!?!?!?!???

In Western Civ at the beginning of class we read the last bit of our readings and took the last bit of our notes. Then we took notes off of a slide that Mr. Schick made for us. It was about the Paleolithic Age into the Neolithic Age. We learned about the Epic of Gilgamesh and the advancement of tools throughout the ages. We pretty much knew everything that was up there but those are a few examples of what we didn't.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Today was our very first day of Western Civ with Mr. Schick! Hi from your old class Mr. Schick! We talked a little about the different things we would be doing in Western Civ then we did bookwork:

Fertile Crescent- has a curved shape and very rich land, it faces the Red Sea.
Mesopotamia- was in between the Tigris and Euphrates river, Greek word meaning "land between two rivers"
City-State- A city and the land surrounding it that is controlled by the same forces.
Dynasty- A familial legacy of rulers, in other words a series of rulers all stemming from the same bloodline.
Cultural Diffusion- When a culture jumps from one area into another.
Polytheism- to believe in several different gods.
Empire- Many different states/countries under the same rule.
Hammurabi- ruled over Babylon during its highest point.

Some disadvantages the Sumerians faced living in the Fertile Crescent were random flooding and unpredictable dry spells, limited amount of natural resources or building materials, and the lack of natural barriers to protect them.

Letter to Future Brenna

Dear Brenna (Me), As I write this letter I am told that forty-fifty year old me would be reading it. That's pretty cool and I bet I am ...