Monday, March 23, 2020

Cyber Day 5!! The Amazing Relationship Between Alexander and Bucephalus

Hey blog! Today I will be talking about the relationship between Alexander the Great and his horse Bucephalus! I know! Exciting stuff!

The story starts when twelve year old Alexander made a wager with his father, who had gotten a horse that was worth a very large sum. The horse seemed to be quite temperamental and impossible to tame so his father did not have much interest in it. Alexander told his father he would tame it and if not he would pay for the horse in whole. He father let him try and he ended up being able to calm the horse. This obviously surprised everyone. He supposedly spoke calmly to it and turned it away from the sun which also turned it away from its shadow, which settled its distress. This in turn tamed the horse. He won the horse and named him Bucephalus. He was able to ride him for nearly two decades through wars and conquering. Bucephalus died in 326 BC of his battle wounds. Alexander named a city Bucephala after the heroic horse, modern day Jhelum, Pakistan.

That's all I was able to find on this sweet and endearing story. I know that Alexander must have cared deeply for Bucephalus and that thought comforts me. :)

Bye now blog!

1 comment:

Letter to Future Brenna

Dear Brenna (Me), As I write this letter I am told that forty-fifty year old me would be reading it. That's pretty cool and I bet I am ...