Friday, March 20, 2020

Brenna's Thoughts On Cyber School?!?!??

Good afternoon blog! I started my work kinda late today so I am behind, but I am doing great! Staying healthy and eating a lot more than my stomach likes. Today Mr. Schick wants to know my thoughts on cyber school and how it's going. Thank you for asking Mr. Schick! I like it! I miss seeing my friends and I'm sad about having to stay home for the next long while, but as long as its keeping everyone safe I can manage. I think the more relaxed environment of being at home lounging has actually helped me focus more! It sounds odd, but I think being alone like this helps me. I know it seems like my phone and other things would be distracting, and sometimes it definitely is, but I have actually felt really on top of everything. Now I really can't procrastinate because I don't have much else to do. So while I definitely like school more and I miss social interaction a lot, I am actually doing really well in terms of school! Hope you are staying safe and healthy Mr. Schick! Give your dogs a pet for me! Bye :)

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Letter to Future Brenna

Dear Brenna (Me), As I write this letter I am told that forty-fifty year old me would be reading it. That's pretty cool and I bet I am ...